(extracted from the Master Module)

Once you have determined what race and general kind of character you want to play, you must select his attributes. There are three basic attributes, representing the character's most obvious traits: Strength (ST), Dexterity (DX) and Intelligence (IQ). No figure will begin the game high in all these capabilities; the player must strike a balance. There is no "best" balance between the attributes; it all depends on what kind of character you want to play.

When the figure is first created, the player determines its attributes as follows: If the figure is human, it starts with 8 ST, 8 DX, 8 IQ, and 8 EXTRA points to be allotted between any or all of these attributes, as the player chooses. Thus, each human figure begins with a total of 32 points - for instance, 9 ST, 12 DX, and 11 IQ. No attribute may begin at LESS than 8 for a human figure. Elves, dwarves, and other races (as well as beasts and monsters) are created similarly, but using slightly different numbers; see the description under HUMANOID RACES for the kind of figure you want to play.

Since 10 is the human "average" for each attribute, a beginning IN THE LABYRINTH character is slightly better than your run-of-the-mill individual. Still, he has a long way to go to be a mighty fighter, learned wizard, or whatever his (that is, your) ambition is.

Simple & straightforward. Make a couple of quick decisions, pick a weapon or two and you're off to the races. But with enough meat to stand up to rigourous play. I recently stumbled across a community still supporting the Fantasy Trip online and I wanted to be part of that as well.

I hope you will join me in an adventure or two and explore and oldy but goldy of role playing history.